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Looking for new friendsKaren

Looking for new friends

44-year-old female looking for friends in or near Odense

It's not easy making new friends as an adult. If you are looking to widen your social circle, feel free to send me a message.

Who am I?

An American writer living in Odense.

What do I like?

Reading; writing; talking; cooking; traveling; unusual people, places and things.

What could we do?

Walk, talk, laugh, cook, go on daytrips, watch movies, take courses in something we both found interesting. You could teach me Danish (or your native language). I could teach you Swedish (my second language) or help you with your English.

If you like to write, we could just enjoy the silence and write together.

I generally don't like posting my picture online, but if you're curious about what I look like so you could recognize me if we decide to meet up, I will of course send you one in advance. ;)

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