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Calling all English speaking peopleLeena

Calling all English speaking people

Hi there!

I’m part Danish and part British - fully not feeling like either haha. I speak danish just fine, but English has always been my preferred language. Therefore I am looking for more English speaking friends here in Copenhagen.

I enjoy walks, coffee/tea, talking and chilling, but I’m also up for a night out to dance, cooking at home and playing board games or watching crap tv haha - I’m also always up for something new, fun and active!

I’m pretty easy going and down to earth and it doesn’t really matter to me who you’re attracted to, how you identify, where you’re from (and so on) as long as you’re a kind, decent and open minded human being!

Bonus; if you know of any good vegan food places, or you’d be up for exploring them, that would be amazing 🌱

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