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Common evening for ukranianrefugeesBorbála

Common evening for ukranianrefugees

Good afternoon,

I am Borbála from Hungary.

I am writing to you to introduce a project idea and ask for your feedback.

My classmates and me have had the idea to do an afternoon program in the 16th of April for ukranian refugees. We are 10 people from different european countries, but what is common in us is our willingness to take action and bring people closer.

We are learning pedagogy in a private college in Denamark for 3 years, and in this year we are on our practice field, working in different small schools.

As we learn about global issues we would like to create a little event where we could come together. Also, we feel the need to answer to the ongoing war situation with showing our solidarity and the power of togetherness.

This is how our idea was born to create a litte cultural evening, where we would cook various food from our countries, and invite ukranian refugees to share it with us - possibliy they could also cook their own cultural food, so its an exchange.

That is why I am writing to you, to ask if in your place would possible to host such an event. We would need a place to cook and be together.

We are open for any suggestions and ideas,

Leet me know what you think,

Best wishes

Borbála Takács

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