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Open kitchenPietro

Open kitchen

I find that gathering around a table to eat is a very decent excuse for socialization. In this occasion I'd like to propose a lasagna at my place, My equipment doesn't allow me to receive more than 3-4 people. And depending on the weather, we can choose to have it in the courtyard or in the living room.

Everybody is welcome. I have no barriers about culture, nationality, gender, age, political leanings, religion... I swear, I'm genuinely open minded! And we can talk about everything you like, sport, movies, travels, gardening, history, art, science, philosophy, board games, in italian, in danish, in russian.. the language I don't know, I'll try to learn.

I will provide lasagna, some wine and strawberries. It's free. Bring what you like, if you want. And if you like to see the preparation of an italian lasagna, you can come earlier and keep me company while I do it.

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