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New student DTU, lookin for friendsAlessia

New student DTU, lookin for friends

Hello everyone! I am Alessia Papa, 22 years old, and I've just moved to Copenaghen to start my Master's degree in Industrial and Management Engineering. I would love to meet guys and girls who, like me, are eager to take on new challenges, enjoy spending time together, but can also respect each other's personal space. For me, friendship and loyalty are essential pillars; if you are my friend, I will help you in any way I can. Living in Italy, I won't have the opportunity to return home often, so I would like to find friends with whom I can organize weekend excursions or day trips, enjoy each other's company, and feel at home in a way. I am a simple person who doesn't like to judge others and is always available. If you're interested in getting to know me, write to me!

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