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Let's be friends!Khaled

Let's be friends!

Hey! I'm Khaled, a 27-year-old Italian with Colombian and Tunisian heritage. I've been living in Copenhagen since April and I couldn't be more happy of my choice!

As an AI engineer, I breathe life into machines for a noble cause. I work for an innovative startup, where we're on a mission to protect nature's smallest, yet crucial creatures - insects. We aim to provide farmers and decision makers with insights that can safeguard biodiversity.

When I unplug from my AI world, I set off on a different kind of exploration:

I crave the thrill of discovering new places, be it the latest talked-about restaurant in town or a secluded park a thousand miles away. The aroma of novelty fuels my spirit!

My hunger for knowledge extends to the world of literature too. I've set my reading compass to 24 books this year, a notch higher than last year’s record. My literary tastes are diverse, ranging from heart-pounding thrillers to dystopian landscapes and reality-based non-fiction.

Born and raised in Italy, the roar of motorsports is in my blood. I'm a die-hard Ferrari and Valentino Rossi fan, and even if the glory days seem distant, hope never flags!

What's life without a bit of diversity, right? I'm all for meeting individuals whose lives are chapters I've never read. So, whether you're a space traveler or a philosopher, a chef or a magician, feel free to drop me a message.


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